The Key of Excellence

“I know what poverty feels like, and now I know what excellence feels like. I choose excellence.” Click here for the Video on Excellence By: Jessica Manuel Excellence is not something you turn on and off. It can be defined by a quality or…
The Chain of Despair

By: Jessica Manuel If depression was a cold, despair would be a symptom. The absence of hope ruins your happiness, security and peace. When one finds themselves in a quagmire of helplessness, chained by the result of their circumstances, then despair is sure to…
Key: Positivity – Action

By: Jessica Manuel Would it be possible to eradicate negativity from society? Breaking this chain is not hard, its a personal choice. We learn from our environments and mirror behaviour, we grow up learning from our parents before we build our own perceptions, then…
Key: Positivity- Words

By Jessica Manuel Kind words can ‘sweep someone off their feet’, change their direction or create new beginnings. Negative words can ‘take the spring out of your step’, cause you to fall behind, and create new obstacles. Emotional pain is much harder to see…
The Chain of Busyness

By: Jessica Manuel Busyness: Lively but meaningless action – a perfect definition. Whether we accept this or not, being busy has an effect on who we become and how content we are. As a result of choosing urgency over order, we may not ever…
The Key of Dreaming

By: Jessica Manuel I enjoy surrounding myself with people that have vision and purpose, dreaming of doing something big. It encourages the same fire in me. FACT: If you work on too many projects, you risk never be proud of them. It’s important to…
Chain of Obsession

By: Jessica Manuel There are crossroads everywhere and endless battles between wants, desires or needs. We always strive for something, healthy or not. The chain of obsession is dangerous because it not only distracts us from the big picture, it robs us from the…
The Key of Reflection

Watch the highlights to the Key of Reflection here By: Jessica Manuel Self discovery is uncomfortable, but if you’re not following your progression how are you going to celebrate the small victories? How are you going to be proud of yourself? Reflection is…
Chain of Procrastination

Watch the highlights to Chain of Procrastination here By Jessica Manuel Your life is not an exemption from the chain of procrastination. I don’t gamble, but, I bet that you do this, and when you think you got it figured out, it shackles you…
Chain of Perception

Watch the highlights to Chain of perception here By: Jessica Manuel A broken past does not create a broken, incapable person. A broken past creates broken perceptions. Let me explain… When I was younger, I allowed other people’s opinions to impact who I thought…