Victory Series, Part 2: Taking Action
“No one is in charge of your success. It takes ACTION”
By: Jessica Manuel
Last week I wrote on the three foundational steps you need to take in order to build and eventually sustain victory. Those were: Focusing on climbing your own mountain, reflection and rumbling with your why. If you haven’t read the first part of the series I highly recommend you do here.
In the article I touched on the importance of accountability; how it’s possible to become a ‘victim’ of our circumstances by not taking responsibility for the trials that we endure and more importantly how we confront those trials. There is wisdom that comes with reflecting on our circumstances, even the dark ones. You cannot ‘blame’ anyone else for being the cause – YOU are the effect, so ensure that the control is not taken away because you’re too busy spending energy in areas where it’s wasted.
In order to take action your WHY (your why for living) must be clear and concise. The process takes focus and direct questioning but it is a short-term investment for a long-term gain. In order to find and attain victory you need to know why you’re climbing. Do not base it on benefits i.e.: money, validation — base it on something that would rip you apart if you couldn’t succeed at it. Make it so clear you can taste it, feel it… Let it fuel you. If you’re a high achiever, trust me, you’re going to need it with all the opposition that will come your way. If you need help with this, I’m more than happy to assist— email me:
So this leads me to the next step, ACTION. Whether you need to be reminded over and over again re: ‘why you’re climbing’ or applying the learning throughout the process, the important thing is to mitigate distractions and focus on one thing – small or large steps of ACTION.
Finding People to Support You
You’ve heard it said, “a good coach always needs a good coach”. Any good dream needs coaching, accountability and mastermind sessions. If you can clearly articulate your dream, and pour out passion as a result, you are ready for this. People help passionate, genuine, forward-thinking individuals but people INVEST in others who BELIEVE in what their doing. Dreams don’t have to be clearly outlined in order to find help; vision, energy and passion will bring the right people.
Finding people takes action, you can’t just wait for them to show up. Put yourself in environments that host like-minded individuals who are either on the same mission, have passion or know people who who would augment your mission. This takes an investment on your part, time and minimal money will be needed (or not if you’re creative).
You Don’t Have to Know all the Answers, You Just Have to Know How to Ask.
Creativity and vulnerability are also key ways to find success. Many people fail to embrace this part because passion can fuel pride, a direct result of a ‘why for living’ being based on self righteous reward. If you want to accomplish something, there is power in channeling your thoughts and choices in order to attain it. If you don’t have the results you want, you need to take accountability for what you can do better. Harsh reality, I know. Here’s the good news though, isolation is a choice too. If you’ve exhausted your own efforts, open up to someone and express your desires and the approach you’ve taken thus far. Ask for advice. If you apply the step again in Victory part 1, reflecting on your challenges, it will be easier to find someone that can help, the hard part is asking. Want the road of isolation? There is always Google.
Be specific, creative, accountable and always take action.
Just reading this means that you’re a do-er and are ready to achieve something great – I am here to help you. Next week I will be posting on what it means to sustain victory once applying passion, focus and determination. Week four is about giving it to others or helping them attain success – this is what makes someone truly victorious.
Then, there will be a way to get involved, personalized one-on-one or in a group of like-minded seekers. This will be announced once the series of VICTORY is completed.
If You Want to Go Even Deeper, Here Are a Few Other ‘Action Items’ That Can be Applied To Achieving Victory or Breakthrough:
- Goal setting (start with three a day that are your top priorities)
- Make a to do list with boxes that you can check off (it’s scientifically proven to encourage more task completion)
- Schedule ‘me time’. (your health is important and you must be rested in order to perform)
- Read 7 steps to highly effective people (this will help prioritize urgent from important tasks as well as sharpening the saw / ‘me time’)
- Meditate on your dream and passion when discouragement comes
- Exercise (sweating releases endorphins and dopamine which will give you more effectiveness)
- Find an ‘accountability partner’
- Read up on articles/ information that pertains to your current situation or future goals (information is at our fingertips, it needs to be utilized. Remember to be specific in order to avoid being overwhelmed or distracted.
See you at the top!